
Security is teamwork

Sebastian Okada

Sebastian Okada is a proxy-holder and heads Corporate Trust's Intelligence & Investigations department. He has been working in intelligence and investigations since 2004. After graduating Magna Cum Laude in Pennsylvania/USA, he initially worked for the German Press Agency (dpa) in Berlin, Potsdam, Hamburg and Cologne for three years. In 2004, he crossed into the business world and worked for several years in the forensics departments of two Big 4 auditing firms. After a period of self-employment in Germany and North America, he joined Corporate Trust in Munich in 2011. His expertise includes investigations and prevention of fraud, money laundering, corruption, organized crime, industrial espionage and in-depth screenings of business partners worldwide.

Sebastian follows technology trends with interest and regularly integrates new tools for modern investigations and information gathering. His reports support court proceedings, including criminal, civil and arbitration across Europe. He has lectured at intelligence training events, taught officers of the Swiss Federal Police, and regularly publishes articles on Corporate Trust’s blog.

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Sebastian Okada

Portrait von Sebastian Okada, Pro­ku­rist, Lei­ter Intelligence & Investigations, Corporate Trust Business Risk & Crisis Management GmbH

Pro­ku­rist, Lei­ter Intelligence & Investigations