
Resilient Digital Transformation

The digital future needs security and acceptance

Our mission is to support our customers in building processes and organizations that promote the digital transformation, ensure resilience against attackers and ensure a sustainable, appropriate level of security for all stakeholders. Putting people at the center is our most important concern.

Making threat-oriented security compliant

Cyber security today has two main foci: IT must be defended against a constantly growing threat landscape and, at the same time, be compliant with legal obligations, standards and customer needs. But why is this compliance the domain of a separate department from the value creation process?

We firmly believe that resilience in a company only arises when management, employees, processes and technologies work hand in hand to ensure security. With this resilience, we create the basis for the ongoing digital transformation in your company.

Our goal is always an appropriate level of security – not too much and not too little. In our threat analysis, we work with you to determine the perpetrators who are putting you at risk and what their motivation is. Based on our experience with real cases, we work with you to identify the attack surface in your company and your risks; and define countermeasures or review the solutions you have already implemented. We help you to target your security budget where it will have the most impact and added value.

The mission of Corporate Trust is to create an environment in which you can safely concentrate on your business without interruption. The most exciting step on this path is how these measures can be brought into the minds of management and employees and integrated into the processes in a way that they are ideally not even noticed, but effective.

Our Services


You do not have an IT security organization yet? Or, development of your existing organization is needed after your CISO has left the company without an immediate replacement? We will be happy to help you with all questions relating to the organizational integration of appropriate cyber security in your company. Our consultants have access to our CORE (Cyber Operations & Research) department at all times and for every case. Thus, they can provide you with cross-industry analyses or special technologies. We are a member of the BSI’s Cyber Security Expert Council, a committee of the German Federal Office for Information Security. We know the industry well – if we are not the best people for your issue, we can provide you with expertise from our professional network.

Messbarkeit IT-Sicherheit
Transparency is the path to resilience. How well do you know your threats? How well are your attack surfaces protected? You already have a lot of this expertise in-house – but often this knowledge is not available in summarized form or is floating around the company in horror stories. What you cannot measure, you cannot manage. Together with you, we solve the problem how to measure IT security (e.g. through a medium-term audit program) and eliminate implementation backlogs (e.g. through the definition of immediate IT security programs).
Resilient Digital Transformation

Every IT department has sophisticated and efficient processes for day-to-day IT operations. However, ransomware has shown us that IT capabilities might suffer a total loss. There is no process for such an emergency or crisis in a normal organization. Based on our experience, our emergency manual defines a process for responding to cyberattacks. We work with you to develop specific instructions without generic frills. If needed, we can create modular extensions for you to cover additional scenarios such as brownout/blackout. If you already have a company-wide crisis management system, we can dock our manual on as an extension; otherwise we will specify the necessary parts with you.


You do not have an IT security organization yet? Or, development of your existing organization is needed after your CISO has left the company without an immediate replacement? We will be happy to help you with all questions relating to the organizational integration of appropriate cyber security in your company. Our consultants have access to our CORE (Cyber Operations & Research) department at all times and for every case. Thus, they can provide you with cross-industry analyses or special technologies. We are a member of the BSI’s Cyber Security Expert Council, a committee of the German Federal Office for Information Security. We know the industry well – if we are not the best people for your issue, we can provide you with expertise from our professional network.

Messbarkeit IT-Sicherheit
Transparency is the path to resilience. How well do you know your threats? How well are your attack surfaces protected? You already have a lot of this expertise in-house – but often this knowledge is not available in summarized form or is floating around the company in horror stories. What you cannot measure, you cannot manage. Together with you, we solve the problem how to measure IT security (e.g. through a medium-term audit program) and eliminate implementation backlogs (e.g. through the definition of immediate IT security programs).
Resilient Digital Transformation

Every IT department has sophisticated and efficient processes for day-to-day IT operations. However, ransomware has shown us that IT capabilities might suffer a total loss. There is no process for such an emergency or crisis in a normal organization. Based on our experience, our emergency manual defines a process for responding to cyberattacks. We work with you to develop specific instructions without generic frills. If needed, we can create modular extensions for you to cover additional scenarios such as brownout/blackout. If you already have a company-wide crisis management system, we can dock our manual on as an extension; otherwise we will specify the necessary parts with you.
