Digital Forensics & Incident Response
We are IT firefighters at heart
Competence reduces damages
The core competence of our digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) team is the knowledge of the various attacker groups and their methods and techniques, as well as the knowledge of the necessary process steps, technologies, and techniques to minimize the consequences of an attack or to eliminate them as quickly as possible. We carry out digital forensics quickly and efficiently.
However, we are not driven by IT forensic curiosity, but by the effective protection of your company: fast recovery and start-up times after emergencies and consistent protection of your assets in ongoing industrial espionage cases are our focus.
Our excellence is based on the cooperation with in-house top experts for non-IT security (crisis management, intelligence & investigations, physical security, travel security) combined with a first-class IT security team.
We do all this in close cooperation with your IT staff and your IT service providers, all of whom we need on board in the event of an attack. This approach facilitates a smooth return to normal operations later. However, this also means that, in an emergency, internal IT staff and existing service providers must also be involved in crisis management and appropriate service levels and availability must be negotiated.
Throughout the entire case handling process, our focus is on knowledge transfer and helping people help themselves. In the spirit of "never waste a good crisis", we integrate fundamental security issues into the handling of the emergency so that your company emerges stronger from the crisis.
Our response services

Our IT experts focus on various different areas: Technical Cybersecurity, Resilient Digital Transformation, or our Cyber Operations and Research department. At the same time, we all work in Digital Forensics & Incident Response. With our outstanding IT all-rounders, who have all worked as cyber crisis managers in several cases and have extensive forensic expertise, we are equipped for all eventualities. With dozens of cases per year, we have a wealth of experience that we can pass on to you.

Defending against ongoing industrial espionage, recovering after a ransomware attack, or investigating networks and computer systems are all time-critical. To this end, we offer a 24/7 hotline for IT operations. For small and medium-sized companies, we also offer a more cost-effective hotline covering office hours from 6 am to 10 pm, 365 days a year. And for all those who do not need a hotline but want to clarify the commissioning modalities in advance, we are happy to offer a time contingent that is only billed when the need arises.

Are you being bugged? Do you need an IT forensic report for a court case? Do you want to have an iPhone or Android device examined? Do you suspect criminal activity on a Windows PC? With our well-equipped forensics laboratory and a wealth of experience, we can help you at short notice. Our consultants have access to our CORE (Cyber Operations & Research) department at all times and for every case. Thus, they can provide you with cross-industry analyses or special technologies.

Our IT experts focus on various different areas: Technical Cyber Security, Resilient Digital Transformation, or our Cyber Operations and Research department. At the same time, we all work in Digital Forensics & Incident Response. With our outstanding IT all-rounders, who have all worked as cyber crisis managers in several cases and have extensive forensic expertise, we are equipped for all eventualities. With dozens of cases per year, we have a wealth of experience that we can pass on to you.

Defending against ongoing industrial espionage, recovering after a ransomware attack, or investigating networks and computer systems are all time-critical. To this end, we offer a 24/7 hotline for IT operations. For small and medium-sized companies, we also offer a more cost-effective hotline covering office hours from 6 am to 10 pm, 365 days a year. And for all those who do not need a hotline but want to clarify the commissioning modalities in advance, we are happy to offer a time contingent that is only billed when the need arises.

Are you being bugged? Do you need an IT forensic report for a court case? Do you want to have an iPhone or Android device examined? Do you suspect criminal activity on a Windows PC? With our well-equipped forensics laboratory and a wealth of experience, we can help you at short notice. Our consultants have access to our CORE (Cyber Operations & Research) department at all times and for every case. Thus, they can provide you with cross-industry analyses or special technologies.